edited by Jian Li, Robert Hummel, Petre Stoica, Edmund G. Zelnio.
Boston, MA :
Imprint: Springer,
Editorial -- Guest Editorial -- Wavelet Transformation and Signal Discrimination for HRR Radar Target Recognition -- 2D HRR Radar Data Modeling and Processing -- Detection and Analysis of Anisotropic Scattering in SAR Data -- SAR Image Superresolution via 2-D Adaptive Extrapolation -- Multi-Channel Multi-Variate Equalizer Design -- Signal Processing for Large Bandwidth and Long Duration Waveform SAR -- Target-Centered Models and Information-Theoretic Segmentation for Automatic Target Recognition -- Extraction of Three-Dimensional Motion and Geometric Invariants from Range Dependent Signals -- A Wide-Band Approach to the Absolute Phase Retrieval in SAR Interferometry -- Scattering-Based Tomography for HRR and SAR Prediction -- An Algorithm to Detect the Presence of 3D Target Motion from ISAR Data -- Experimental Evaluation of Adaptive Beamforming Methods and Interference Models for High Frequency Over-the-Horizon Radar Systems -- Contributing Authors.
Radar Signal Processing and Its Applications brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast-moving area. In twelve selected chapters, it describes the latest advances in architectures, design methods, and applications of radar signal processing. The contributors to this work were selected from the leading researchers and practitioners in the field. This work, originally published as Volume 14, Numbers 1-3 of the journal, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, will be valuable to anyone working or researching in the field of radar signal processing. It serves as an excellent reference, providing insight into some of the most challenging issues being examined today.