"On behalf of Working Party 10 on Microbial Corrosion."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Biocorrosion is a major problem in areas such as cooling systems and marine structures where biofilms can develop. This book summarises key recent research in this subject. Topics include: detailed overview of biocorrosion and the different scientific and/or industrial problems related to microbially induced corrosion; investigative techniques and methodologies that are employed in diagnosing and evaluating microbially induced corrosion; biodeterioration of building materials; biocorrosion issues associated with diesel and biofuels; marine biocorrosion; corrosion of open recirculating cooling water systems and cooling system components; the effect of H2S on steel corrosion. --
Microbiologically influenced corrosion.
Liengen, T., (Turid)
Books24x7, Inc.
EFC Working Party on Microbial Corrosion,issuing body.