Supply chain optimization through segmentation and analytics
Gerhard J. Plenert.
1 online resource :
Resource management ;
volume 48
Versions from some providers lack index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface -- Introduction -- Segmentation -- What is segmentation and how does it work? -- The supply chain -- Performance measures -- Analytics and SCS -- Segmentation applied -- An example of SCS : the analysis process -- An example of SCS : the build process -- SCS execution -- SCS in your organization -- SCS key concepts -- Segmentation effects -- Change management -- SCS is wonderful.
This book introduces the concept of segmentation as the planning and scheduling tool that facilitates the optimization of the supply chain. If you have one type of problem in a part of your supply chain, you use the solution that appropriately focuses on that problem. If you have a different problem in a different part of your supply chain, then you use a different and appropriate tool for that part of the supply chain, and so forth. Or, if your product is in different stages of its life cycle, it probably requires a different set of tools for each stage of that life cycle. It discusses how to integrate planning and scheduling tools using a segmentation approach that results in a world-class supply chain environment and details the power of segmentation and offers a systematic plan for implementation in the supply chain. --
Supply chain optimization through segmentation and analytics