bright and funky temporary hair coloring you do at home /
Loren Lankford ; photography by Jason Hofmann.
96 pages :
color illustrations ;
25 cm.
Includes index.
Get ready. Materials ; Color wheel -- base color ; The bleach speech ; A word of caution ; What to expect ; When you're dyeing -- The dyes. Bleach recipe and techniques ; Hair chalking recipes and techniques ; Kool-aid recipe and techniques ; Colored-hairspray techniques ; Henna recipes and techniques ; Food-coloring recipes and techniques ; Store-bought coloring techniques -- DIY style. Full head ; Streaks, highlights, and lowlights ; Ombre ; Just the tips ; Two-tone ; Rainbow.
Offers step-by-step, illustrated instructions on every aspect of at-home hair coloring, including selecting the right dye, fabricating original hues, adding highlights, and creating an ombre in any color.