studies in Medieval French literature in honor of William W. Kibler /
edited by Monica L. Wright, Norris J. Lacy, and Rupert T. Pickens.
New York :
xxviii, 420 p. ;
23 cm.
Faux titre ;
"Publications by William W. Kibler": p. [xvii]-xxv.
Includes bibliographical references.
Foreword: William W. Kibler: scholar, teacher, friend / Thelma S. Fenster -- Publications by William W. Kibler -- Tabula Gratulatoria -- Once and future monuments: knights' and lovers' tombs in medieval French romance / Philip E. Bennett -- Herman de Valenciennes and the invention of pious epic / Maureen Boulton -- The twelve peers: Charlemagne's elite combatants in the Song of Roland / Gerard J. Brault -- Text and image in the Getty Tundale / Keith Busby -- A French legacy in Scotland: Arthurian romance / William Calin -- Tentative de réhabilitation d'un manuscrit mal famé d'Erec et Enide: Chantilly, Musée Condé 472 (A) / Carleton W. Carroll -- Beginnings and endings: the frontiers of the text in the prose Joseph d'Arimathie / Carol J. Chase -- Anomalous rhyme sequences in the Venice-four Roland / Robert Francis Cook -- Turoldus, scribe or author? Evidence from the corpus of Chansons de Geste / Joseph J. Duggan -- Audience expectations and unexpected developments in Marie de France's Le Laüstic / Joan Tasker Grimbert -- Traits novateurs, initiatives, intuitions et saillies d'Alfred Delvau dans sa réécriture d'Ogier le Danois / Bernard Guidot -- On the art of the Laisse in the Charroi de Nîmes: Laisses XXIX-XXXII / Edward A. Heinemann -- Isidorus anglo-normannice / Tony Hunt -- Of giants and griffons: narrative and lineal disruptions in Gaufrey / Catherine M. Jones -- Labyrinth and maze: the shape of Arthurian romance / Norris J. Lacy -- Melion and Bisclavret: the presence and absence of Arthur / June Hall McCash -- Étymologie et légendes toponymiques dans l'épopée médiévale et dans la tradition orale moderne / Jacques E. Merceron -- The three Godfreys and the Old French crusade cycle / Emanuel J. Mickel -- War is hell (for Saracens): a footnote to Aspremont's afterlife in Italy / Leslie Zarker Morgan -- Anomaly and ambiguity in Marie de France's Fresne / Rupert T. Pickens -- The Sultan's Salutz in the continuation of Partonopeu de Blois / Elizabeth W. Poe -- Translating the Prose Lancelot / Samuel N. Rosenberg -- Image, text, life: La Vie de Saint Gilles and Charlemagne / Mary Jane Schenck -- La fille du comte de Ponthieu: transgression, parole et silence / François Suard -- Le drame de Roncevaux: de La chanson de Roland à la "chanson d'aventures" / Jean Subrenat -- La divination dans les chansons de Geste franco-italiennes du XIVe siècle / Jean-Claude Vallecalle -- The "Lai de Joie: as intertext in Chrétien de Troyes's Erec et Enide / Logan E. Whalen -- Wearing hearts on sleeves: clothes and Pathos in Chrétien and Marie / Monica L. Wright.
Kibler, William W.,1942-
French literature-- To 1500-- History and criticism.