From international relations to relations international :
postcolonial essays
edited by Phillip Darby.
Postcolonial politics.
1. Teaching an unorthodox IR course / Devika Goonewardene -- 2. Reworking the ruling knowledge bank about international politics / Ashis Nandy in conversation with Phillip Darby -- 3. Narrating the nation and international law / Antony Anghie -- 4. Development and world order / Phillip Darby -- 5. Glimpses of African life : two short stories / Sekai Nzenza -- 6. On misplaced IR / IR fora do lugar : politics and emancipation in Latin America / Carlos Eduardo Morreo -- 7. Performing pedagogy : memory and the aesthetic turn / David L. Martin -- 8. The neglected shadow self / Christine Deftereos -- 9. Sea level : towards a poetic geography / Paul Carter.