Writing process -- reading process -- critical thinking process -- recalling an experience -- observing a scene -- interviewing a subject -- comparing and constrasting -- explaining causes and effects -- taking a stand -- proposing a solution -- evaluating and reviewing -- supporting a position with sources -- responding to literature -- responding to literature -- responding to visual respresentation -- writing online -- writing and presenting under pressure -- writing in the work place -- strategys for generating ideas -- strategies for starting a thesis and planning -- strategies for drafting -- stragegies for developing -- strategies for future writing -- families -- men and women -- popular culture -- digital living -- explorations on living
Both reliable and innovative, The Bedford Guide for College Writers involves students in active learning, whether their writing class meets on campus or online. The guide contains a process-oriented rhetoric and a thematic reader, giving students a rich array of material that will help them develop successful college-level writing skills. Both parts provide frequent opportunities for students to experiment and applyBoth reliable and innovative, The Bedford Guide for College Writers involves students in active learning, whether their writing class meets on campus or online. The guide contains a process-oriented rhetoric and a thematic reader, giving students a rich array of material that will help them develop successful college-level writing skills. Both parts provide frequent opportunities for students to experiment and applyBoth reliable and innovative, The Bedford Guide for College Writers involves students in active learning, whether their writing class meets on campus or online. The guide contains a process-oriented rhetoric and a thematic reader, giving students a rich array of material that will help them develop successful college-level writing skills. Both parts provide frequent opportunities for students to experiment and apply",,,,,"Both reliable and innovative, The Bedford Guide for College Writers involves students in active learning, whether their writing class meets on campus or online. The guide contains a process-oriented rhetoric and a thematic reader, giving students a rich array of material that will help them develop successful college-level writing skills. Both parts provide frequent opportunities for students to experiment and apply the skills presented. Learning by Doing activities, Responding to an Image practices, and engaging assignments all help students make important writing skills their own. The Bedford Guide helps students to be the confident, resourceful, and independent writers they will need to be. The new edition extends active learning into the online environment, offering integrated e-Pages, including videos, audio segments, and visual essays that take advantage of what the Web can do. Contents for LaunchPad.