Applications, challenges, and advancements in electromyography signal processing
Ganesh R. Naik, editor.
Hershey PA
Medical Information Science Reference,
xix, 403 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm.
Advances in medical technologies and clinical practice book series.
Neural control of muscle -- New advances in single fibre electromyography -- Detection and conditioning of EMG -- An introduction to signal processing using matlab and microsoft Excel -- Modeling the human elbow joint dynamics from surface electromyography -- Arm swing during human gait studied by EMG of upper limb muscles -- Using in vivo subject-specific musculotendon parameters to investigate voluntary movement changes after stroke : an EMG-driven model of elbow joint -- Study and interpretation of neuromuscular patterns in golf -- Assessing joint stability from eigenvalues obtained from multi-channel EMG : a spine example -- Endurance time prediction using electromyography -- EMG activation pattern during voluntary bending and donning safety shoes -- Tongue movement estimation based on suprahyoid muscle activity -- Design of myocontrolled neuroprosthesis : tricks and pitfalls -- Design and development of EMG conditioning system for hand gesture recognition using principal component analysis -- The relationship between anthropometric variables and features of electromyography signal for human/computer interface.