Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, 43
This book examines prefixes expressing aspectuality in early English, such as ge- in the Old English verb gegladian "cheer up" or a- in the verb astreccan "stretch out", providing an analysis of theThis book examines prefixes expressing aspectuality in early English, such as ge- in the Old English verb gegladian "cheer up" or a- in the verb astreccan "stretch out", providing an analysis of theThis book examines prefixes expressing aspectuality in early English, such as ge- in the Old English verb gegladian "cheer up" or a- in the verb astreccan "stretch out", providing an analysis of the,"This book examines prefixes expressing aspectuality in early English, such as ge- in the Old English verb gegladian "cheer up" or a- in the verb astreccan "stretch out", providing an analysis of theThis book examines prefixes expressing aspectuality in early English, such as ge- in the Old English verb gegladian "cheer up" or a- in the verb astreccan "stretch out", providing an analysis of theThis book examines prefixes expressing aspectuality in early English, such as ge- in the Old English verb gegladian "cheer up" or a- in the verb astreccan "stretch out", providing an analysis of the