Meister Eckhart's critique of the medieval concept of will
John M. Connolly.
Oxford University Press,
The will as rational appetite -- Aristotle's teleological eudaimonism -- St. Augustine's Christian conception of will -- Aquinas on happiness and the will -- Meister Eckhart, living on two levels -- Meister Eckhart, living without will -- Living without why, conclusion.
Live without why!" advised Meister Eckhart (d. 1328). Arguing from classical philosophy and the Christian tradition, he opposed the views of Augustine and Aquinas. Connolly's book, the first to deal"Live without why!" advised Meister Eckhart (d. 1328). Arguing from classical philosophy and the Christian tradition, he opposed the views of Augustine and Aquinas. Connolly's book, the first to deal"Live without why!" advised Meister Eckhart (d. 1328). Arguing from classical philosophy and the Christian tradition, he opposed the views of Augustine and Aquinas. Connolly's book, the first to deal