Introduction -- Part one: Raoul Wallenberg (1. The mouments' protagonist 2. Raoul Wallenberg's life, mission and fate 3. Raoul Wallenberg in historiography and popular imagination 4. Raoul Wallenberg: a hero's tale 5. The monuments as part of te Wallenberg commemoration) -- Part two: The Raoul Wallenberg monuments (6. Raoul Wallenberg's deed 7. Raoul Wallenberg's fate 8. Raoul Wallenberg's legacy Raoul Wallenberg's insubordination) -- Part three: Raoul Wallenberg as monumen t and hero (10. Challenges, comparisons, and conclusions Catalog).
Raoul Wallenberg is widely remembered for his humanitariann activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews in Budapest at the end of World War II, and known as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet [gulag] in 1945. Today, Wallenberg's example is used to communicate humanitarioan values and human rights in many democratic societies. His story incorporates a classical hero narrative which has survived the"Raoul Wallenberg is widely remembered for his humanitariann activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews in Budapest at the end of World War II, and known as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet [gulag] in 1945. Today, Wallenberg's example is used to communicate humanitarioan values and human rights in many democratic societies. His story incorporates a classical hero narrative which has survived the"Raoul Wallenberg is widely remembered for his humanitariann activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews in Budapest at the end of World War II, and known as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet [gulag] in 1945. Today, Wallenberg's example is used to communicate humanitarioan values and human rights in many democratic societies. His story incorporates a classical hero narrative which has survived the",,,,,,"Raoul Wallenberg is remembered for his humanitarian activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews at the end of World War II, and as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet Gulag in 1945.Raoul Wallenberg is remembered for his humanitarian activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews at the end of World War II, and as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet Gulag in 1945.This book examines how thirty-one Wallenberg monuments, in twelve countries on five continents commemorate the man.Raoul Wallenberg is remembered for his humanitarian activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews at the end of World War II, and as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet Gulag in 1945.Raoul Wallenberg is remembered for his humanitarian activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews at the end of World War II, and as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet Gulag in 1945.This book examines how thirty-one Wallenberg monuments, in twelve countries on five continents commemorate the man.Raoul Wallenberg is remembered for his humanitarian activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews at the end of World War II, and as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet Gulag in 1945.Raoul Wallenberg is remembered for his humanitarian activity on behalf of the Hungarian Jews at the end of World War II, and as the Swedish diplomat who disappeared into the Soviet Gulag in 1945.This book examines how thirty-one Wallenberg monuments, in twelve countries on five continents commemorate the man.Read less