a clinical guide to essential oil therapeutics. Volume 1, Principles and profiles
Peter Holmes ; illustrated by Mimi Camp ; foreword by Gabriel Mojay, Tiffany Pollard, Charles Lev.
Singing Dragon,
illustrations (black and white)
Foreword by Gabriel Mojay. Foreword by Tiffany Pollard. Foreword by Charles Lev. Acknowledgements. Introduction. 1. Exploring the Roots of the Materia Aromatica. 2. Examining the Sources of Essential Oils. 3. Defining Essential Oils as Bioactive Remedies. 4. Issues of Essential Oil Safety. 5. Surveying the Modalities of Essential Oil Therapy. 6. The Essential Oil Profile. 7. Materia Aromatica, Part 1.
This clinical reference provides complementary therapists with a reliable, detailed database of essential oils and their psychological, physiological and topical uses. Taking a holistic approach,This clinical reference provides complementary therapists with a reliable, detailed database of essential oils and their psychological, physiological and topical uses. Taking a holistic approach,This clinical reference provides complementary therapists with a reliable, detailed database of essential oils and their psychological, physiological and topical uses. Taking a holistic approach,