2.4 Material and Informational Foundation of Living Systems2.5 Cells of Industrial Importance; 2.6 Cells Derived from Multicellular Organisms; 2.7 Concluding Remarks; Further Reading; Problems; Chapter 3: Stoichiometry of Biochemical Reactions and Cell Growth; 3.1 Stoichiometry of Biochemical Reactions; 3.2 Stoichiometry for Cell Growth; 3.3 Hypothetical Partition of a Substrate for Biomass and Product Formation;",,,,,"This book is a short introduction to the engineering principles of harnessing the vast potential of microorganisms, and animal and plant cells in making biochemical products. It was written forThis book is a short introduction to the engineering principles of harnessing the vast potential of microorganisms, and animal and plant cells in making biochemical products. It was written forscientists who have no background in engineering, and for engineers with minimal background in biology. The overall subject dealt with is process.This book is a short introduction to the engineering principles of harnessing the vast potential of microorganisms, and animal and plant cells in making biochemical products. It was written forThis book is a short introduction to the engineering principles of harnessing the vast potential of microorganisms, and animal and plant cells in making biochemical products. It was written forscientists who have no background in engineering, and for engineers with minimal background in biology. The overall subject dealt with is process.This book is a short introduction to the engineering principles of harnessing the vast potential of microorganisms, and animal and plant cells in making biochemical products. It was written forThis book is a short introduction to the engineering principles of harnessing the vast potential of microorganisms, and animal and plant cells in making biochemical products. It was written forscientists who have no background in engineering, and for engineers with minimal background in biology. The overall subject dealt with is process.Read less