Understanding the Many Faces of Complementary Medicine.
Arthritis For Dummies About the Authors Dedication Authors' Acknowledgements Contents at a Glance Table of Contents Introduction About This Book Foolish Assumptions How This Book Is Organised Icons Used in This Book Where to Go from Here Part I: Getting a Grip on Types of Arthritis Chapter 1: Looking at Arthritis Basics Understanding How Arthritis Affects Your Joints Distinguishing Between Arthritis and Arthritis-related Conditions Deciding Whether It's Really Arthritis: Signs and Symptoms Considering the Causes of Arthritis Understanding Who Gets Arthritis. Assessing Your Treatment OptionsChapter 2: Osteoarthritis, the Most Common Form Considering Cartilage Identifying the Signs and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis Discovering What Causes Cartilage Breakdown Recognising Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis Determining Whether It Really Is Osteoarthritis Treating Osteoarthritis Chapter 3: Fighting a War Within: Rheumatoid Arthritis Turning on Itself: The Body Becomes Its Own Worst Enemy Diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis Chapter 4: Investigating Other Forms of Arthritis. Gaining Insight into Gout: It's Not Just for RoyaltyStudying Pseudogout: The Royal Pretender Understanding Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Figuring Out Infectious Arthritis Getting a Grip On Gonococcal Arthritis Running Down Reiter's Syndrome Surveying Psoriatic Arthropathy Considering Ankylosing Spondylitis Chapter 5: Exploring Other Conditions Linked to Arthritis Experiencing Arthritis as a Major Player Experiencing Arthritis as a Minor Player Experiencing Arthritis as a Companion Condition Part II: Tests and Treatments: What to Expect. Chapter 6: Your Doctor and You: Allies Against ArthritisPositioning Yourself for Treatment Success Deciding between NHS and Private Care Working with Your Doctor Speaking Your Doctor's Language Working Out When to Find a New Doctor Chapter 7: Judging Joint Health with Low-and High-Tech Tests Checking In for a Check-up Explaining X-rays and Scans Backing Up a Diagnosis with Biopsies and Blood Tests Taking Other Tests on the Road to Diagnosis Chapter 8: From Aspirin to Steroids: Medicines for Arthritis Talking to Your Doctor. Uncovering Specific Medicines for Specific Types of ArthritisLooking at Other Drugs Chapter 9: Cuts That Cure: Surgeries for Arthritis Knowing What to Ask Your Doctor Before Undergoing Surgery Looking At Different Kinds of Joint Surgery Getting Ready for Surgery Chapter 10: Overcoming the Ouch: Strategies for Pain Management Understanding Arthritis Pain Differentiating between Acute Pain and Chronic Pain Relieving Pain with Non-invasive Therapies Taking Pain Relief to the Next Level Part III: Is Complementary Medicine for You? Chapter 11: Exploring Complementary Medicine.
Arthritis For Dummies is a book for the millions who suffer from chronic joint conditions classified under arthritis looking for lasting relief. It's a friendly, hands-on guide that gives the latest information available on the many techniques for managing the disease and controlling the symptoms so that arthritis sufferers can get on with life. It features expert advice to help readers manage arthritis, slow downArthritis For Dummies is a book for the millions who suffer from chronic joint conditions classified under arthritis looking for lasting relief. It's a friendly, hands-on guide that gives the latest information available on the many techniques for managing the disease and controlling the symptoms so that arthritis sufferers can get on with life. It features expert advice to help readers manage arthritis, slow downArthritis For Dummies is a book for the millions who suffer from chronic joint conditions classified under arthritis looking for lasting relief. It's a friendly, hands-on guide that gives the latest information available on the many techniques for managing the disease and controlling the symptoms so that arthritis sufferers can get on with life. It features expert advice to help readers manage arthritis, slow down