Accelerating Entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa Region.
OECD Publishing,
(163 pages)
Foreword Acknowledgements Table of contents Abbreviations and acronyms Executive Summary Better schooling of girls has not translated into increased employment Women entrepreneurs have inadequate access to business development services Closing the gender gap in access to credit and finance Key recommendations Next steps for the WBF Reader's guide Background on the MENA-OECD partnership to support women's economic empowerment Overall methodology Data methodology Chapter 1: Gender inequality and entrepreneurship: A statistical portrait of the MENA region. Chapter 2: Business development service provision and incubation for women entrepreneurs in the MENA regionChapter 3: Expanding the financing options of women-led businesses in the MENA region Notes Chapter 1 Gender inequality and entrepreneurship: A statistical portrait of the MENA region Introduction 1.1. MENA women's entry into the labour market 1.2. Women's employment in MENA economies 1.3. Women's entrepreneurship in MENA economies Conclusion Notes Bibliography Annex 1.1A: Coverage and methodology. Chapter 2 Business development service provision and incubation for women entrepreneurs in the MENA regionIntroduction 2.1. Challenges of the overall business environment 2.2. BDS organisations: characteristics, challenges and opportunities 2.3. Business incubators: characteristics, challenges and opportunities Conclusion Notes Bibliography Annex 2.1A: List of surveyed organisations Chapter 3 Expanding the financing options of women-led businesses in the MENA region Introduction. 3.1. Better targeting of banks' financing practices on women-led businesses in the MENA region: results of a survey led by the OECD in collaboration with the Union of Arab Banks3.2. Helping women entrepreneurs define their financial needs and sources of funding: a practical guide Conclusion Notes Bibliography.
Women in Business 2014 summarises the progress made by the OECD-MENA Women Business Forum (WBF) since the publication of its first Women in Business report in 2012. In 2012, five groups of actions had been identified as priorities to be carried out by governments, international stakeholders, financial and business support organisations, as well as statistical agencies. In two years, the WBF has developed inputs forWomen in Business 2014 summarises the progress made by the OECD-MENA Women Business Forum (WBF) since the publication of its first Women in Business report in 2012. In 2012, five groups of actions had been identified as priorities to be carried out by governments, international stakeholders, financial and business support organisations, as well as statistical agencies. In two years, the WBF has developed inputs forWomen in Business 2014 summarises the progress made by the OECD-MENA Women Business Forum (WBF) since the publication of its first Women in Business report in 2012. In 2012, five groups of actions had been identified as priorities to be carried out by governments, international stakeholders, financial and business support organisations, as well as statistical agencies. In two years, the WBF has developed inputs for",,,,,"Women in Business 2014 summarises the progress made by the OECD-MENA Women Business Forum (WBF) since the publication of its first Women in Business report in 2012. In 2012, five groups of actions had been identified as priorities to be carried out by governments, international stakeholders, financial and business support organisations, as well as statistical agencies. In two years, the WBF has developed inputs for three of these areas of priority actions. The WBF's contributions are growing along with its increased recognition as a hub which spurs concrete improvements in the business climate.