/ edited by Sudhir Anand, Fabienne Peter, Amartya Sen
Oxford ;New York
: Oxford University Press,
, 2004.
viii, 316 p.
: , ill. , 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction /Sudhir Anand,Fabienne Peter --PART I. HEALTH EQUITY --The concern for equity in health /Sudhir Anand --Why health equity? /Amartya Sen --PART II. HEALTH, SOCIETY, AND JUSTICE --Social causes of social inequalities in health /Michael Marmot --Health and inequality, or, Why justice is good for our health /Norman Daniels ... [et al.] --Health equity and social justice /Fabienne Peter --PART III. RESPONSIBILITY FOR HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE --Personal and social responsiblity for health /Daniel Wikler --Relational conceptions of justice: responsibilities for health outcomes /Thomas W. Pogge --Just health care in a pluri-national country /Philippe Van Parijs --PART IV. ETHICAL AND MEASUREMENT PROBLEMS IN HEALTH EVALUATION --Disability-adjusted life years: a critical review /Sudhir Anand,Kara Hanson --Ethical issues in the use of cost effectiveness analysis for the prioritisation of health care resources /Dan W. Brock --Deciding whom to help, health-adjusted life years and disabilities /Frances M. Kamm --The value of living longer /John Broome --PART V. EQUITY AND CONFLICTING PERSPECTIVES ON HEALTH EVALUATION --Health achievement and equity: external and internal perspectives /Amartya Sen --Ethics and experience: an anthropological approach to health equity /Arthur Kleinman --Equity of the ineffable: cultural and political constraints on ethnomedicine as a health problem in contemporary Tibet /Vicanne Adams.