Kant's Groundwork for the metaphysics of morals :a commentary
Oxford ; New York
Oxford University Press
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]364[-372( and index
Henry E. Allison
Pt. I. Preliminaries. The nature of and need for a metaphysic of morals: an analysis of the preface of GMS -- Universal practical philosophy and popular moral philosophy -- Pt. II. GMS 1. The good will -- Maxims and moral worth redux -- Kant's three propositions, the supreme principle of morality, and the need for moral philosophy -- Pt. III. GMS 2. Rational agency and imperatives -- The universal law )FUL( and the law of nature )FLN( -- The formula of humanity )FH( -- Autonomy, heteronomy, and constructing the categorical imperative -- Pt. IV. GMS 3. The moral law, the categorical imperative, and the reciprocity thesis -- The presupposition of freedom, the circle, and the two standpoints -- The deduction of the categorical imperative and the outermost boundary of practical philosophy
، Kant, Immanuel,4271-4081.Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten