Thinking through the Wissenschaftslehre :themes from Fichte's early philosophy
Includes bibliographical references and index
Daniel Breazeale
Wishful thinking and the postulates of practical reason -- The Aenesidemus review and the transformation of German idealism -- "Real synthetic thinking" and the principle of determinability -- "A pragmatic history of the human mind" -- The spirit of the early Wissenschaftslehre -- The divided self and the tasks of philosophy -- Anstoss, abstract realism, and the finitude of the I -- Intellectual intuition -- Skepticism and Wissenschaftslehre -- Circles and grounds -- Idealism vs. dogmatism -- The interests of reason -- The standpoint of life and the standpoint of philosophy -- The problematic primacy of the practical
، Fichte, Johann Gottlieb,2671-4181.Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre
، Fichte, Johann Gottlieb,2671-4181.Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo
، Fichte, Johann Gottlieb,2671-4181.Die Wissenschaftslehre