Edmund Husserl and the history of classical foundationalism / Herman Philipse -- What is wrong with naturalizing epistemology? : a phenomenologist's reply / Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl -- Erlغauterungen : logical analysis vs. phenomenological descriptions / Denis Fisette -- Husserl and Hilbert on geometry / Ulrich Majer -- Husserl and the theory of multiplicities "Mannigfaltikeitslehre" / Yvon Gauthier -- Husserl's legacy in the philosophy of mathematics : from realism to predicativism / Mathieu Marion -- Husserl and Weyl : phenomenology, mathematics, and physics / Richard Feist -- Herman Weyl's later philosophical views : his divergence from Husserl / John Bell -- From the lifeworld to the exact sciences and back / Pierre Kerszberg -- Husserl on the communal praxis of science / R. Philip Buckley