Includes bibliographical references )p. ]407[-409( and index
Nathan Salmon
Part I. Ontology -- Existence )7891( -- Nonexistence )8991( -- Mythical objects )2002( -- Part II. Necessity -- modal logic Kalish-and-Montague style )4991u( -- Impossible Worlds )4891( -- An empire of thin air )8891( -- The logic of what might have been )9891( -- Part III. Identity -- The fact that X=Y )7891( -- This side of paradox )3991( -- Identity facts )2002( -- Personal identity : what's the problem? )5991u( -- Part IV. Philosophy of mathematics -- Wholes, parts, and numbers )7991( -- The limits of human mathematics )1002( -- Part V. Theory of meaning and reference -- On content )2991( -- On designating )7991u( -- A problem in the Frege-Church theory of sense and denotation )3991( -- The very possibility of language )1002( -- Tense and intension )3002( -- Pronouns as variables )5002(