"First published in German as Max Weber, Carl Hanser Verlag M? nchen Wien, 2005"--T.p. verso
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]572[-665( and index
Joachim Radkau ; translated by Patrick Camiller
pt. 1. The violation of nature. -- Great mother and harsh nature : a precocious youth on the margins of Berlin -- Max and Minimax : blood brothers and drinking companions--surly fraternity as a primary social experience -- From father's boy to mother's boy : a comradely marriage and the day of judgment for the father -- Antaeus, antiquity and agrarians : the unshackling of creativity through the earthing of culture -- Eruptions form the ice : creativity as natural catastrophe -- A 'gospel of struggle' and Old German corpulence : from lifestyle crisis through creativity crisis to existential crisis -- pt. 2. Nature's revenge. -- The demons : the wildness of nature and the riddle of sexuality -- A 'sort of spiritualistic construction of the modern economy' : the Protestant ethic and the vain quest for redemption through the spirit -- South-North-West-East : changing attempts at spiritual conquest of the world -- From the 'Essay of sighs' to 'Psychophysics' : the seven-year fight with naturalism against naturalism -- From the Eranos circle to the 'erotic movement ': new roots and new milieux -- Max Weber's love-hate for the Germans -- pt. 3. Salvation and illumination. -- Value-free science, love and music -- Charisma -- The naturalness of community--the disguised naturalism in economy and society -- From Deborah's Song of triumph to the 'Titans of the holy curse' : pacifist herdsman, prophets and pariahs--the Israelites -- World war and flight from the world -- Great speeches, the great love and death -- Epilogue : Powerplay and the wrangling over Max Weber's spirit