edited by B?رrbel Inhelder, Denys de Caprona, Angela Cornu-Wells
Introduction / Barbel Inhelder and Denys de Caprona -- Structures and functions / Guy Cellerier -- Current trends in cognitive development research : towards a new synthesis / Harry Beilin -- Piaget's natural logic / Marie-Jeanne Borel -- Operatory logic / Jean-Blaise Grize -- Logical reasoning, development and learning / Barry Richards -- The value of logic and the logic of values / Seymour Papert -- The masculine authority of the cognitive / John M. Broughton -- Sociology of science and sociogenesis of knowledge / Rolando Garcia -- Theory change in childhood / Susan Carey -- Cognition in its relationship to total development in the first few years of life / Sybille K. Escalona -- Origins of intentional strategic memory in the child / Cesare Cornoldi -- Spatial reasoning in small-size and large-size environments : in search of early prefiguratons of spatial cognition in small-size environment / Gerhard Steiner -- Development as construction : nature and psychological and social context of genetic constructions / Hans Aebli -- The coordination of values : current relevance of the Piagetian concept of philosophy / Reto Lazius Fetz -- Laws of consciousness as norms of mental development / Edward Marbach