The Dead Sea scrolls and contemporary culture :proceedings of the international conference held at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem )July 6-8, 2008(
Leiden ; Boston
Studies on the texts of the desert of Judah,9610-2699 ;. 39
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
edited by Adolfo D. Roitman, Lawrence H. Schiffman and Shani Tzoref
Some thoughts at the close of the Discoveries in the Judaean Desert Publication Project / Emanuel Tov -- The Groningen hypothesis revisited / Florentino Garcia Martinez -- 1QS 6:2c-4a--satellites or precursors of the Ya?had? / Charlotte Hempel -- What kind of sect was the Ya?had?: a comparative approach / Eyal Regev -- The pre-history of the Qumran community with a reassessment of CD 1:5-11 / James C. Vanderkam -- The Elohistic psalter and the writing of divine names at Qumran / Jonathan Ben-Dov -- Non-Masoretic variant readings in the Hebrew University Isaiah scroll )1QIsab( and the text to be translated / Peter W. Flint -- Clearer insight into the development of the Bible--a gift of the scrolls / Eugene Ulrich -- Biblical interpretation in the Dead Sea scrolls: looking back and looking ahead / Moshe J. Bernstein -- Revelation and perspicacity in Qumran hermeneutics? / James H. Charlesworth -- The Genesis apocryphon: a chain of traditions / Esther Eshel -- From paratext to commentary / Armin Lange -- Enochic Judaism: an assessment / John J. Collins -- Between Qumran sectarian and non-sectarian texts: the case of Belial and Mastema / Devorah Dimant -- Which is older, Jubilees or the Genesis apocryphon?: an exegetical approach / James Kugel -- Pseudepigraphy and first person discourse in the Dead Sea documents: from the Aramaic texts to writings of the Ya?had / Loren Stuckenbruck -- Ritual purity / Hannah K. Harrington -- Dogs and chickens at Qumran / Jodi Magness -- Creative interpretation and integrative interpretation in Qumran / Vered Noam -- The price of mediation: the role of priests in the priestly halakhah / Cana Werman -- From Jesus to the early Christian communities: modes of sectarianism in the light of the Dead Sea scrolls / George J. Brooke -- The Gabriel revelation / Israel Knohl -- Nascent Christianity between sectarian and broader Judaism: lessons from the Dead Sea scrolls / Serge Ruzer -- Rethinking gender in the community rule: an experiment in sociology / Maxine L. Grossman -- Canonization and Gender in Qumran: 4Q971, 4Q481, 2Q81 and 11QPsalmsa / Tal Ilan -- Laws pertaining to women and sexuality in the early stratum of the Damascus document / Lawrence H. Schiffman -- Women in the Dead Sea scrolls: research in the past decade and future directions / Eileen Schuller -- Marriage and marital life in the Dead Sea scrolls / Aharon Shemesh -- Karaites, Qumran, the calendar, and beyond: at the beginning of the wwenty-first century / Albert I. Baumgarten -- The Dead Sea scrolls, Hebrew Union College, and Reform Judaism 8491-8002 / Richard Freund -- Interpretive circles: the case of the Dead Sea scrolls / Edna Ullmann Margalit -- The Dead Sea scrolls online: taking on a )second( life of their own / Susan Hazan -- The Second Temple Period Multimedia Educational Suite with an appendix on the ceramic and numismatic evidence for Qumran's Period Ia / Stephen Pfann Jr.; with an appendix by Stephen J. Pfann -- The quest for new strategies in teaching and popularizing the Dead Sea scrolls / Adolfo Roitman
Congresses ، Qumran community - History
Congresses ، Rabbinical literature - History and criticism