Custom in Islamic law and legal theory :the development of the concepts of Urf and ?Adah in the Islamic legal tradition
New York
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave series in Islamic theology, law, and history
Based on author's doctoral dissertation--University of California, Los Angeles, 2009
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]227[-239( and index
Ayman Shabana
Custom and Islamic law in modern scholarship -- Normative foundations of the concept of custom in the Islamic legal tradition -- From ?Adah to Urf : theological foundations of the concept of custom as reflected in the debate over causality -- Custom between the theoretical school and the applied school -- The expansion of legal theory -- Custom and legal maxims al-Qaw?a id al-Fiqhiyyah -- Custom and the objectives of Shar?i ah : Maq?a?sid al-Shar?i ah -- Custom, legal application, and the construction of reality