Papers from a conference at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, in January 1996
Includes bibliographies and index
edited by Walter E. Aufrecht, Neil A. Mirau & Steven W. Gauley
Spatial perspectives on early urban development in Mesopotamia / E.B. Banning -- Writing as a factor in the rise of urbanism / Ronald F.G. Sweet -- Urbanisation et 'redistribution' de surplus agricoles en Mعesopotamie septentrionale )0003-0052 av. J.-C.( / Michel Fortin -- Craft specialization and the rise of secondary urbanism : a view from the Southern Levant / Steven A. Rosen -- The agricultural base of urbanism in the Early Bronze II-III Levant / Arlene Miller Rosen -- The social context of early iron working in the Levant / Neil A. Mirau -- Urbanization and Northwest Semitic inscriptions of the late Bronze and Iron Ages / Walter E. Aufrecht -- Learning to love the king : urbanism and the state in Iron Age Moab / Bruce Routledge -- Urbanism at Tell el- Umeiri during the late Bronze IIB-Iron IA transition / Larry G. Herr -- Tell Jawa : a case study of Ammonite urbanism during Iron Age II / P.M. Mich?ele Daviau -- Archaeology, urbanism, and the rise of the Israelite state / William G. Dever -- The urban center of Jerusalem and the development of the literature of the Hebrew Bible / Ehud Ben Zvi -- The ancient Egyptian 'city' : figment or reality? / Donald B. Redford -- Temple as the center in ancient Egyptian urbanism / Carolyn Routledge -- 'Metro' Nea Paphos : suburban sprawl in southwestern Cyprus in the Hellenistic and earlier Roman periods / David W. Rupp -- Palace-centered polities in eastern Crete : neopalatial Petras and its neighbors / Metaxia Tsipopoulou -- A viiw from the outskirts : realignments from modern to postmodern in the archaeological study of urbanism / D. Bruce Mackay
Congresses ، Cities and towns, Ancient - Middle East
Congresses ، Excavations )Archaeology( - Middle East