Voices of the mystics :early Christian discourse in the Gospels of John and Thomas and other ancient Christian literature
Sheffield Academic Press
Journal for the study of the New Testament.751
Errata slip tipped in
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]164[-176( and indexes
April D. DeConick
Machine generated contents note: Chapter 1 TRADITIO-RHETORICAL CRITICISM: A METHODOLOGY FOR EXAMINING THE DISCOURSE OF INTERTRADITIONS 51 Chapter 2 VISION MYSTICISM IN THE ANCIENT WORLD: THE RELIGIO-HISTORICAL HORIZON 43 1. Ancient Mystery Religions 24 2. Hermeticism 44 3. Judaism 94 4. Conclusion 46 Chapter 3 JOHANNINE POLEMIC AGAINST VISION MYSTICISM: THE TRADITIO-RELIGIOUS HORIZON AND THE POINT OF DISCOURSE 86 1. John 41.3-7 96 2. John 41.02-32 37 3. John 02.42-92 77 4. Conclusion 58 Chapter 4 THOMASINE SUPPORT FOR VISION MYSTICISM: THE TRADITIO-RELIGIOUS HORIZON OF JOHN'S OPPONENTS 68 1. The visio Dei 88 2. Ascent and Transformation 29 3. Ascent Preparations 99 4. Celestial Temple Traditions 501 5. Conclusion 701 Chapter 5 FAITH MYSTICISM IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN: THE INTERPRETATIVE TRAJECTORY AND SYNTHETIC END POINT 901 1. The Pretemporal Existence of Jesus 111 2. The Historical Presence of Jesus 311 3. The Historical Absence of Jesus 121 4. Conclusion 131 Chapter 6 VISION MYSTICISM IN EARLY SYRIAN CHRISTIAN TEXTS: THE DISCOURSE CONTINUES 331 1. Preachings of John 531 2. Gospel of the Savior 631 3. Apocryphon of James 151 4. Ascension of Isaiah 451 5. Dialogue of the Savior 751 6. Conclusion 261
History and criticism ، Christian literature, Early