The scientific study of religion? You must be joking! / Eileen Barker -- The continuum between "cults" and "normal" religion / James A. Beckford -- Three types of new religious movement / Roy Wallis -- Cult formation: three compatible models / William Sims Bainbridge and Rodney Stark -- False prophets and deluded subjects: the nineteenth century / Philip Jenkins -- The new spiritual freedom / Robert Wuthnow -- Who joins new religious movements and why: twenty years of research and what have we learned? / Lorne L. Dawson -- The joiners / Saul Levine -- The process of brainwashing, psychological coercion, and thought reform / Margaret Thaler Singer -- A critique of "brainwashing" claims about new religious movements / James T. Richardson -- Constructing cultist "mind control" / Rhomas Robbins -- The apocalypse at Jonestown / John R. Hall -- "Our terrestrial journey is coming to an end": the last voyage of the Solar Temple / Jean-Fran?سois Mayer -- Women in new religious movements / Elizabeth Puttick -- Women's "cocoon work" in new religious movements: sexual experimentation and feminine rites of passage / Susan J. Palmer -- Why religious movements succeed or fail: a revised general model / Rodney Stark -- New religious and the internet: recruiting in a new public space / Lorne L. Dawson and Jenna Hennebry