detide yb iroL neurG, aruaL lebarG, dna reteP regniS
The ambiguity of the embryo: ethical inconsistency in the human embryonic stem cell debate / Katrien Devolder and John Harris -- Killing embryos for stem cell research / Jeff McMahan -- The moral-principle objection to human embryonic stem cell research / Don Marquis -- How is the ethics of stem cell research different from the ethics of abortion? / Elizabeth Harman -- Respecting human embryos within stem cell research: seeking harmony / Bertha Alvarez Manninen -- Rescuing human embryonic stem cell research: the possibility of embryo reconstitution after stem cell derivation / Katrien Devolder and Christopher M. Ward -- The moral status of stem cells / Agata Sagan and Peter Singer -- Oocytes for sale? / Lori Gruen -- Human-animal chimeras: human dignity, moral status, and species prejudice / David Degrazia -- Why no compromise is possible / Torbjoعu rn Taعu Nnsjoعu.