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detide yb yhtomiT H. miL ; htiw yrraL W. odatruH, A. emearG dluA, dna nosilA kcaJ
The Dead Sea sect and other Jews : commonalities, overlaps and differences / E.P. Sanders -- The wicked priest or the liar? / Timothy H. Lim -- What did you go out to see? : John the Baptist, the Scrolls and late Second Temple Judaism / J. Ian H. McDonald -- The Qumran Biblical scrolls : the scriptures of late Second Temple Judaism / Eugene C. Ulrich --Qumran evidence for a biblical standard text and for non-standard and parabiblical texts / Julio Trebolle-Barrera -- E pluribus unum : textual variety and definitive interpretation in the Qumran scrolls / George J. Brooke -- Halakhah and sectarianism in the Dead Sea scrolls / Lawrence H. Schiffman -- The story of Joseph and the Book of Jubilees / Calum M. Carmichael -- Sabbatical chronologies in the Dead Sea scrolls and related literature / James C. VanderKam -- Qumran calendars : theory and practice / Sacha Stern -- The place of the Book of Jubilees at Qumran and beyond / Charlotte Hempel -- The nature of messianism in the light of the Dead Sea scrolls / John J. Collins -- Judaisms in the Dead Sea scrolls : the case of the Messiah / Philip R. Davies -- The branch in the last days : observations on the new covenant before and after the Messiah / Haج،kan Ulfgard -- The Dead Sea scrolls and merkavah mysticism / James R. Davila.
University of Edinburgh.Centre for Christian Origins.