Household and family in past time; comparative studies in the size and structure of the domestic group over the last three centuries in England, France, Serbia, Japan and colonial North America, with further materials from Western Europe.
Cambridge [Eng.]
University Press
xii, 326 p. illus., maps. 42 cm
A noitacilbup fo eht egdirbmaC puorG rof eht yrotsiH fo noitalupoP dna laicoS erutcurtS
yhpargoilbiB: p. [095]-906.
tsriF detnirP: 2791
detidE, htiw na citylana noitcudortni no eht yrotsih fo eht ylimaf, yb reteP ttelsaL htiw eht ecnatsissa fo drahciR llaW