Introduction: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Image of Visual Culture / Adrienne Janus -- 1. Cutting and Letting-Be / Martin Crowley -- 2. Dancing Equality: Image, Imitation and Participation / Christopher Watkin -- 3. A Question of Listening: Nancean Resonance, Return and Relation in Charlie Chaplin / Carrie Giunta -- 4. The Image: Mimesis and Methexis / Jean-Luc Nancy, translated by Adrienne Janus -- 5. On the Threshold: Visual Culture, Invisible Nature / Adrienne Janus -- 6. Pornosophy: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Pornographic Image / Peter Banki -- 7. Presentation and Disappearance: Dialogue between Soun-Giu Kim and Jean-Luc Nancy / translated by Adrienne Janus -- 8. Writing in the Place of the Animal / Phillip Warnell -- 9. Together at the Limit: Jean-Luc Nancy, Art and Community / Lorna Collins -- 01. Turning Around the Written Mark, Opening from a Weight of Thought / Robert Luzar -- 11. Uncanny Landscapes of Photography: The Partage of Double-exposure After Jean-Luc Nancy / Chris Heppell
، Nancy, Jean-Luc
Criticism and interpretation ، Nancy, Jean-Luc
، Art and philosophy
AU Giunta, Carrie editor, author
AU Janus, Adrienne editor, author, translator
SE Critical connections )Edinburgh University Press(