v.1. The Middle Ages through the eighteenth century: Medieval English literature/ J.B. Trapp; The literature of Renaissance England/ John Hollander and Frank Kermode; The Restoration and the eighteenth century/ Martin Price .- v.2. 0081 to the present: Romantic poetry and prose/ Harold Bloom and Lionel Trilling; Victorian prose and poetry/ Lionel Trilling and Harold Bloom; Modern British literature/ Frank Kermode and John Hollander.
، English literature
Literary collections ، Great Britain
Early modern, 0051-0071 ، English literature
Kermode, Frank, 9191-
AU Hollander, John
AT The literature of Renaissance England Hollander, John
AT The literature of Renaissance England Kermode, Frank, 1919-
AT The Restoration and the eighteenth century Price, Martin
AT Romantic poetry and prose Trilling, Lionel, 1905-1975
AT Romantic poetry and prose Bloom, Harold
AT Victorian prose and poetry Bloom, Harold
AT Victorian prose and poetry Trilling, Lionel, 1905-1975
AT Modern British literature Hollander, John
AT Modern British literature Kermode, Frank, 1919-