Historiography and Classification of Science in Islam
: Texts and Studies
\ collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin in collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer
Frankfurt am Main
: Institute for the History of Arabic - Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
, 2007
.-v.48. kitab al-anwa by arib ibn sad al-qurtubi and its latin translation .-v.49. the Optics of Ptolemy and its Arabic-Latin Transmission: texts and studies .-v.50,51. Gerbert and the transmission of the arabic - islamic sciences to the occident .-v.52. .-v.53,54. arabic versions of aristotle's works in latin translation .-v.55. the reception of islamic philosophy in the latin west .-v.56,57. avicenna latinus the reception and assimilation of ibn sina in the west