: das Papsttum und das Erzbistum Toledo im 12. Jahrhundert (ca. 1085-ca. 1185)
\ Andreas Holndonner
: De Gruyter Akademie Forschung
, 2014
x, 713 p.
:ill., maps
;25 cm.
Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen
; Neue Folge, Band 31
,0930-4304 ;
The Middle Ages are justifiably regarded as an epoch characterized by fundamental integration processes, in which the papacy played a key role. This volume analyzes the changing relations of the Popes to the Archdiocese of Toledo, located directly on the frontier of the Moslem-ruled southern portion of the Iberian Peninsula, in a case study on papally influenced integration processes during the 12th century.--