Understanding Teaching & Learning in Primary Education
\ edited by Mike Carroll & Margaret McCulloch.
Second edition.
, 2018.
xxxiv, 395 p.
Chapter 1: The context for primary education in the twenty-first century Julie McAdam and Jennifer Farrar / Chapter 2: Childhood and diversity Mary Wingrave / Chapter 3: Early years' education Mike Carroll / Chapter 4: Models of teaching and learning Maureen Farrell and A. Graeme Pate / Chapter 5: Planning for learning and teaching in the primary classroom Margaret McCulloch / Chapter 6: Social and emotional contexts for learning George Head / Chapter 7: Identity, relationships and behaviour Margaret McCulloch and Margaret Sutherland / Chapter 8: The evolving concept of inclusive education Mike Carroll / Chapter 9: Collaborative learning Mike Carroll and Fiona McGregor / Chapter 10: Integrated learning Margaret Sutherland and Niamh Stack / Chapter 11: Creating Challenge in the classroom Louise Hayward and Ernest Spencer / Chapter 12: Assessment for Learning Alan Britton, Liz Moorse and Mary Young / Chapter 13: Education for citizenship, global citizenship and learning for sustainability Leonardo Franchi and Leon Robinson / Chapter 14: Spiritual Devolpment Moyra Boland, Margaret Jago and Jan Macdonald / Chapter 15: Teaching for creativity and creative teaching Stephen Boyle and David McKinstry / Chapter 16: Digital learning George MacBride and Margaret McCulloch / Chapter 17: Transitions Mike Carroll / Chapter 18: Working with other audults Beth Dickson and Irene McQueen / Chapter 19: How teachers learn: the role of research in teaching Christine Forde and Margery McMahon / Chapter 20: Teacher leadership and learning: the evolving role of the primary teacher.
:Understanding teaching and learning in primary education