\ Michael Bar-Eli, Henning Plessner and Markus Raab.
1st ed.
; Malden, MA
: Wiley-Blackwell
, 2011
viii, 222 p.
Judgment and decision making as a topic of sport science. Maximization and optimization in sport -- JDM history -- The development of JDM research in sport -- Rationale and structure of this book -- Theories of (social) judgment. Psychophysics -- Social judgment theory -- Social cognition -- Theories of decision making. Subjective expected utility theory -- Prospect theory -- Decisional field theory -- Simple heuristic approach -- Expertise in JDM. What are the components of expertise in JDM? -- How can we measure JDM expertise? -- How can we explain JDM expertise? -- How can we develop JDM expertise? -- Athletes. -- Judging one's own performance -- What choices are athletes confronted with? -- How do athletes choose? -- JDM training for athletes -- Managers and coaches. JDM as a leadership task -- Managerial JDM -- Coaches' JDM -- Referees. The tasks of referees -- Perceptual limitations -- Prior knowledge -- Rules of information integration -- Improving referees' JDM -- Observers. Biases in judgments of sport performance -- Predictions and betting.