1. Approaching Spanish miscellaneity. Introduction; The terminology of Spanish miscellaneity; The antecedents of Spanish miscellaneity; The values of a genre approach to Spanish miscellaneity -- 2. Variety, curiosity and compilation. Variety; Men's curious tastes; Vulgarisation through compilation -- 3. Knowledge, authority and themes. Breadth and depth of knowledge; Knowledge and authority; Themes of Spanish miscellaneity -- 4. Macroforms of Spanish miscellaneity. The conversation of Spanish miscellaneity; The plain-prose macroform; The epistolary macroform; The dialogue macroform; The frame-story macroform -- 5. Microforms of Spanish miscellaneity. The "varied reading" of the Spanish miscellanies; Poetry in the Spanish miscellanies; Short prose fiction in the Spanish miscellanies -- 6. Conclusions and future directions. Conclusions; Future avenues of investigation -- Bibliography -- Provisional corpus of Golden Age Spanish miscellanies (by year).
:Literature of fragments
Spanish literature-- 16th century-- History and criticism.
Spanish literature-- 17th century-- History and criticism.
Spanish American literature-- 16th century-- History and criticism.
Spanish American literature-- 17th century-- History and criticism.