Martha Dandridge Custis Washington -- Abigail Smith Adams -- Dolley Payne Todd Madison -- Elizabeth Kortright Monroe -- Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams -- Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison -- Letitia Christian Tyler -- Julia Gardiner Tyler -- Sarah Childress Polk -- Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor -- Abigail Powers Fillmore -- Jane Means Appleton Pierce -- Mary Ann Todd Lincoln -- Eliza McCardle Johnson -- Julia Dent Grant -- Lucy Ware Webb Hayes -- Lucretia Rudolph Garfield -- Frances (Frank) Folsom Cleveland -- Caroline (Carrie) Lavina Scott Harrison -- Ida Saxton McKinley -- Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt -- Helen (Nellie) Heron Taft -- Ellen Louise Axson Wilson -- Edith Bolling Galt Wilson -- Florence Mabel Kling Harding -- Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge -- Lou Henry Hoover -- Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Roosevelt -- Elizabeth (Bess) Virginia Wallace Truman -- Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower -- Jacqueline Lee (Jackie) Bouvier Kennedy -- Claudia Alta Taylor (Lady Bird) Johnson -- Thelma Catherine (Pat) Ryan Nixon -- Elizabeth Ann (Betty) Bloomer Warren Ford -- Eleanor Rosalynn Smith Carter -- Anne Francis (Nancy) Robbins Davis Reagan -- Barbara Pierce Bush -- Hillary Rodham Clinton -- Laura Welch Bush -- Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama -- Presidential spouses who did not live to be first ladies -- White House hostesses -- First lady firsts -- First ladies' reflections on the position and on other first ladies.
Presidents' spouses-- United States, Biography, Dictionaries.
روسای جمهور -- ایالات متحده -- سرگذشتنامه -- واژهنامهها