Cover -- Women and Indigenous Religions -- Contents -- Introduction: Perspectives of Indigenous Religious Traditions from the Americas, Asia, and Australia -- PART I. WOMEN, FAMILY, AND ENVIRONMENT -- 1. Ngarrindjeri Women's Stories: Kungun and Yunnan -- 2. Feminine Rituality and the Spirit of the Water in Peru -- PART II. SOCIOECONOMICS, POLITICS, AND AUTHORITY -- 3. Indigenous Spirituality, Gender, and the Politics of Justice: Voices from the First Summit of Indigenous Women of the Americas -- 4. Authority and Ritual in the Caves of Tepoztlán, Mexico: Women Priestesses in Popular Religion -- PART III. BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT -- 5. Dressing up the Spirits: Costumes, Cross-Dressing, and Incarnation in Korea and Vietnam -- 6. Women and Sacred Medicines among the Khasis in the Highlands of Northeast India -- 7. The Not-So-Subtle Body in Dais' Birth Imagery -- PART IV. SEXUALITY, POWER, AND VULNERABILITY -- 8. Ritual Gendered Relationships: Kinship, Marriage, Mastery, and Machi Modes of Personhood -- 9. Sexuality and Ritual: Indigenous Women Recreating Their Identities in Contemporary Mexico -- PART V. WOMEN, WORLD VIEW, AND RELIGIOUS PRACTICE -- 10. Drawing the Connections: Mayan Women's Quest for a Gendered Spirituality -- 11. Decolonizing our Spirits: Cultural Knowledge and Indigenous Healing -- Suggested Reading -- About the Editor and Contributors -- Index