physiology, medicine, surgery, geology; With Introductions and Notes
New York
: P.F. Collier & son
, 1910
418 p.
The Harvard classics, ed. by C.W. Eliot.
; [v. 38]
The oath of Hippocrates.--The law of Hippocrates.--Journeys in diverse places, by A. Paré, tr. by S. Paget.--On the motion of the heart and blood in animals, by W. Harvey, tr. by R. Willis.--The three original publications on vaccination against smallpox, by E. Jenner.--The contagiousness of puerperal fever, by O. W. Holmes.--On the antiseptic principle of the practice of surgery, by Lord Lister.--The physiological theory of fermentation, by L. Pasteur, tr. by F. Faulkner and D. C. Robb (revised)--The germ theory and its application to medicine and surgery (revised); On the extension of the germ theory to the etiology of certain common diseases (revised) by L. Pasteur, tr. by H. C. Ernst.--Prejudices which have retarded the progress of geology; Uniformity in the series of past changes in the animate and inanimate world, by Sir C. Lyell.