\ by Niccolo Machiavelli; Utopia, by Sir Thomas More; Ninety-five theses, Address to the German nobility concerning Chritian liberty, by Martin Luthe; With Introductions and Notes
New York
: P. F. Collier & son
, 1910
378 p.
The Harvard classics, ed. by C.W. Eliot.
; [v. 36]
Each place accompnaied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress.
The price, by Machiavelli, tr. by N.H. Thomson.--The life of Sir Thomas More, by W. Roper.--Utopia, by Sir T. More, tr. by R. Robinson.--The ninety-five theses, by M. Luther, tr. by R.S. Grignon.--Address to the Christian estate, by M. Luther, tr. by C.A. Buchheim.--Concerning Christian liberty, by M. Luther, tr. by R.S. Grignon.
Ninety-five theses
: Address to the German nobility, Concerning Christian liberty