"First published as The Continuum companion to philosophical logic, 2011" (t.p. verso).
Introduction / Leon Horsten and Richard Pettigrew --Mathematical methods in philosophy / Leon Horsten and Richard Pettigrew --How to use this book / Leon Horsten and Richard Pettigrew --Logical consequence / Vann McGee --Identity and existence in logic / C. Anthony Anderson --Quantification and descriptions / Bernard Linsky --Higher-order logic / Øystein Linnebo --The paradox of vagueness / Richard Dietz --Negation / Edwin Mares --Game-theoretical semantics / Gabriel Sandu --Mereology / Karl-Georg Niebergall --The logic of necessity / John Burgess --Tense or temporal logic / Thomas Müller --Truth and paradox / Leon Horsten and Volker Halbach --Indicative conditionals / Igor Douven --Probability / Richard Pettigrew --Pure inductive logic / J. B. Paris --Belief revision / Hornacio Arló Costa and Arthur Paul Pedersen --Epistemic Logic / Paul Égré --Logic of decision / Paul Weirich --Further reading / Leon Horsten and Richard Pettigrew.