Studies of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for international, European and regulatory procedural law ;
; volume 2
Current challenges in European multilevel human rights protection / ANJA SEIBERT-FOHR/MARK E. VILLIGER -- Keynote address / DEAN SPIELMANN -- Binding effect and declaratory nature of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights : an overview / MARK E. VILLIGER -- Prescriptive orders in the operative provisions of judgments by the European Court of Human Rights : beyond res judicanda? / HANS JOACHIM CREMER -- The role of the legislative branch in the implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights / ALMUT WITTLING-VOGEL -- Can't get just satisfaction / JULIA LAFFRANQUE -- Is there a need to advance the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights with regard to the award of damages? / ELISABETH LAMBERT ABDELGAWAD -- France and the award of damages : the payment of just satisfaction and costs and expenses in France / MICHEL PU�ECHAVY.
The constellation of global and national courts: Jurisdictional redundancy and interchange / SABINO CASSESE -- Subsidiarity in the control of decisions based on proportionality: An analysis of the basis of the implementation of ECtHR judgements into German law / ANGELIKA NUBERGER -- Are human rights undemocratic? / JOHN LAWS -- Subsidiarity and the Brighton Declaration / DEREK WALTON -- The struggle by the German Courts and legislature to transpose the Strasbourg Case Law on preventive detention into German law / THOMAS GIEGERICH -- How a national judge implements judgments of the Strasbourg Court / JACEK CHLEBNY -- International law in the recent jurisprudence of the Hungarian Constitutional Court: Opening of a new tendency? / PETER KOVACS -- From implementation to translation: Applying the ECtHR judgments in the domestic legal orders / ANDREAS PAULUS -- The role of the European Court of Human Rights in the execution of its own judgments: Reflections on Article 46 ECHR / LINOS-ALEXANDER SICILIANOS.
European Court of Human Rights
International human rights courts -- Europe -- Congresses.
International and municipal law -- Europe -- Congresses.