Wittgenstein's knight move : Hacker on Wittgenstein's influence on analytic philosophy / Avishai Margalit -- Wittgenstein and Frege's logical investigations / Wolfgang Kunne -- Moses : Wittgenstein on names / Joachim Schulte -- Analytic truths and grammatical propositions / Severin Schroeder -- Back to the rough ground : Wittgenstein and ordinary language / John Canfield -- The private language argument / Bede Rundle -- Language-games and language : rules, normality conditions, and conversation / Stephen Mulhall -- Wittgenstein's ethics : boundaries and boundary crossings / Hans Oberdiek -- The lessons of life : Wittgenstein, religion, and analytic philosophy / John Cottingham -- Hard and easy questions about consciousness / John Dupre -- Cognitive scientism / Anthony Kenny -- Knowing how to and knowing that / David Wiggins -- Action, content, and inference / Jonathan Dancy.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951
Analysis (Philosophy)
.ویتگنشتاین، لودویگ،۱۹۵۱ - ۱۸۸۹ م
تحلیل فلسفی
هکر، پیتر مایکل استفن
Hacker, Peter Michael Stephan
Glock, Hans-Johann، 1960-، .گلوک،هانس - یوهان، ۰۶۹۱ - م