Ere half my days : Milton's life, 1608-1640 / Edward Jones -- John Milton : the later life (1641-1674) / Nicholas von Maltzahn -- The adorning of my native tongue : Latin poetry and linguistic metamorphosis / Estelle Haan -- Milton's early English poems : The nativity ode, L'allegro, Il penseroso / Gordon Teskey -- A thousand fantasies : the lady and the Maske / Ann Baynes Coiro -- Lycidas and the influence of anxiety / Nicholas McDowell -- The troubled, quiet endings of Milton's English sonnets / John Leonard -- The anti-Episcopal tracts : republican Puritanism and the truth in poetry / Nigel Smith -- A law in this matter to himself : contextualizing Milton's divorce tracts / Sharon Achinstein -- Whose liberty? : the rhetoric of Milton's divorce tracts / Diane Purkiss -- Milton, Areopagitica, and the parliamentary cause / Ann Hughes -- Areopagitica and liberty / Blair Hoxby -- The strangest piece of reason : Milton's Tenure of kings and magistrates / Stephen M. Fallon -- Milton's regicide tracts and the uses of Shakespeare / Nicholas McDowell -- John Milton, European : the rhetoric of Milton's defences / Joad Raymond -- Defensio prima and the Latin poets / Estelle Haan -- Nothing nobler then a free commonwealth : Milton's later vernacular republican tracts / N.H. Keeble -- Disestablishment, toleration, the New Testament nation : Milton's late religious tracts / Elizabeth Sauer -- Milton and national identity / Paul Stevens -- The genres of Milton's Commonplace book / William Poole -- Milton, the Hartlib circle, the education of the aristocracy / Timothy Raylor -- Conquest and slavery in Milton's History of Britain / Martin Dzelzainis -- De doctrina Christiana : an England that might have been / Gordon Campbell and Thomas N. Corns -- Writing epic : Paradise lost / Charles Martindale -- A mind of most exceptional energy : verse rhythm in Paradise lost / John Creaser -- Editing Milton : the case against modernization / Stephen B. Dobranski -- The world of Paradise lost / Karen L. Edwards -- Paradise lost and heresy / Nigel Smith -- God / Stuart Curran -- Eve, Paradise lost, and female interpretation / Susan Wiseman -- The politics of Paradise lost / Martin Dzelzainis -- Englands case : contexts of the 1671 poems / Laura Lunger Knoppers -- Paradise regained and the memory of Paradise lost / John Rogers -- Samson agonistes and single rebellion / R.W. Serjeantson -- Samson agonistes : the force of justice and the violence of idolatry / Regina M. Schwartz -- Samson agonistes and Milton's sensible ethics / Elizabeth D. Harvey -- Milton epic and bucolic : empire and readings of Paradise lost, 1667-1837 / Anne-Julia Zwierlein -- Miltonic romanticism / Joseph Wittreich.
Milton, John, 1608-1674 -- Criticism and interpretation