Bad years in the matrimonial market : James's shorter fiction, 1865-1878 / Clair Hughes - What Daisy knew : reading against type in Daisy Miller : a study / Sarah Wadsworth - Growing up absurd : the search for self in Henry James's The American / Wendy Graham - Vital illusions in The portrait of a lady / Peter Rawlings - The Bostonians and the crisis of vocation / Sarah Daugherty - "The abysses of silence" in The turn of the screw / Kimberly C. Reed - On Maisie's knowing her own mind / Robert B. Pippin - "What woman was ever safe?" : dangerous constructions of womanhood in The ambassadors / Anna Despotopoulou - Unwrapping the ghost : the design behind Henry James's The wings of the dove / Evelyne Ender - Truth, knowledge, and magic in The golden bowl / Sigi Jeottkandt - Henry James and the (un)canny American scene / Gert Buelens - Revisitings and revisions in the New York edition of the novels and tales of Henry James / Philip Horne - What we don't talk about when we talk about love : Henry James's last words / Michael Anesko - Henry James, cultural critic / Pierre A. Walker - Timeliness and Henry James's letters / Greg W. Zacharias - A brief biography of Henry James / Jennifer Eimers - Jamesian matter / Bill Brown - Henry James and the sexuality of literature : before and beyond queer theory / Natasha Hurley - Exuberance and the spaces of inept instruction : Robert Baden-Powell's Scouting for boys and Henry James's The art of the novel / Denis Flannery - Nothing personal : women characters, gender ideology, and literary representation / Donatella Izzo - The others : Henry James's family / Linda Simon - Beyond the rim : camp Henry James / Jonathan Warren - Henry James and the United States / John Carlos Rowe - Henry James and Britain / Nicola Bradbury - Henry James in France / Julie Wolkenstein - Henry James and Italy / Rosella Mamoli Zorzi - Henry James in the public sphere / Richard Salmon - James and film / Susan M. Griffin.
James, Henry , 1843-1916 -- Criticism and interpretation -- Handbooks -- manuals, etc