Introductory chapter: Muruwwa and Din - The Arabic tribes and Islam - Arab and ajam - The Shuubiyya - The Shuubiyya and its manifestataion in shcolarship: (a) genealogy (b) philology - Excursuses and annotations - What is meant by al-Jahiliyya - On the veneration of the dead in paganism and Islam - Pagan and Muslim linguistic usage - The use of of the kunya as a means of paying respect - Black and white people - Traditions about the Turks - Arabicised Persians as Arabic poets. Introductory chapter: Muruwwa and Din - The Arabic tribes and Islam - Arab and ajam - The Shuubiyya - The Shuubiyya and its manifestataion in shcolarship: (a) genealogy (b) philology - Excursuses and annotations - What is meant by al-Jahiliyybe;a - On the veneration of the dead in paganism and Islam - Pagan and Muslim linguistic usage - The use of of the kunya as a means of paying respect - Black and white people - Traditions about the Turks - Arabicised Persians as Arabic poets.