Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives
/ Soraj Hongladarom, Charles Ess
Hershey [etc]
: Idea Group Reference
, 2007.
222 P.
"This book is the first publication that takes genuinely global approach to the diverse ethical issues evoked by Information and Communication Technologies and their possible resolutions. Readers will gain a greater appreciation for the problems and possibilities of genuinely global information ethics, which are urgently needed as information and communication technologies continue their exponential growth"--Provided by publisher. -- The moral status of information and information technologies: a relational theory of moral status / Johnny Hartz Soraker -- Online communities, democratic ideals, and the digital divide / Frances S. Grodzinsky and Herman T. Tavani -- The mediating effect of material cultures as human hybridization / Lorenzo Magnani -- Culture and technology: a mutual-shaping approach / Thomas Herdin, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, and Ursula Maier-Rabler -- Mobile phone and autonomy / Thaptawee Chokvasin -- Invisability [i.e. Invisibility] and the ethics of digitalization: designing so as not to hurt others / Maja van der Velden -- Privacy and property in the global datasphere / Dan L. Burk -- Analysis and justification of privacy from a Buddhist perspective / Soraj Hongladarom -- SECTION II. SPECIFIC VIEWPOINTS. -- Information privacy in a surveillance state: a perspective from Thailand / Pirongrong Ramasoota Rananand -- Interactions among Thai culture, ICT, and IT ethics / Pattarasinee Bhattarakosol -- We cannot eat data: the need for computer ethics to address the culturaI and ecological impacts of computing / Barbara Paterson -- Current and future state of ICT deployment and utilization in healthcare: an analysis of cross-cultural ethical issues / Bernd Carsten Stahl, Simon Rogerson, and Amin Kashmeery -- Business ethics and technology in Turkey: an emerging country at the crossroad of civilizations / Gonca Telli Yamamoto and Faruk Karaman -- The existential significance of the digital divide for America's historically underserved populations/ Lynette Kvasny
Information technology -- Moral and ethical aspects