Introduction /Cornelia Ebert and Stefan Hinterwimmer -Specificity Markers and Nominal Exclamatives in French /Fabienne Martin -The Interpretation of the German Specificity Markers Bestimmt and Gewiss /Christian Ebert, Cornelia Ebert and Stefan Hinterwimmer -Pragmatic Variation Among Specificity Markers /Tania Ionin -Certain Presuppositions and Some Intermediate Readings, and Vice Versa /Igor Yanovich -Exceptional Scope: The Case of Spanish /Luis Alonso-Ovalle and Paula Menaendez-Benito -The Distribution of two Indefinite Articles: The Case of Uzbek /Klaus von Heusinger and Udo Klein -Scenarios of Equivalence: The Case of Quelque /Jacques Jayez and Lucia M. Tovena.