(The Economics of Information, Communication and Entertainment,1868-0453)
Introduction: the end of media as we know it? / Gali Einav - The changing world of advertising and consumer behavior. TV for the twenty-first century : the video ad model in transition / Adam Gerber and Rick Mandler - Branded entertainment : how advertisers and networks are working together to reach consumers in the new media environment / Rachel Mueller-Lust - The evolution of cross-platform media use in the United States : insights from consumer research and NBC Universal's "Olympic Research Lab" / Horst Stipp - The changing face of traditional media : the news business case study. We interrupt this program- the cosmic change in the "news business" / Jeff Gralnick - Mobile social networking and the news / Laura Forlano - Parsing the online ecosystem : journalism, media, and the blogosphere / John Kelly - Media reinvented : case studies of transitioning into a digital age. The transition to digital TV : a case study of HDTV / John Carey - The fat lady still sings : bringing music into the digital age / Lydia Loizides - How cinema is digital / Kristen M. Daly - Thumb wars : body and mind in video games / Liel Leibovitz.